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Your donation is instrumental in maintaining the Columbus Community Mikvah. We are committed to ensuring that this is truly a community Mikvah, open to all Jews to experience this ritual for their religious and spiritual needs. Your gift will ensure that our commitment continues to be a reality for the entire Columbus Jewish community.

Make a Donation
Every contribution makes a difference. To make a secure, tax deductible donation online, simply fill out the form below and make an online payment via PayPal.

Become a Member
Annual membership offers ease and convenience to monthly and daily users and helps sustain our beautiful facility.

Pay Tribute
Pay tribute to loved ones by making a gift in their memory or honor. Complete the “Tribute Gift” portion of the form below and pay online via PayPal.
If you would like to make a donation by mail, please print out our donation form and mail to:
Columbus Community Mikvah Fund
c/o Columbus Jewish Foundation
1175 College Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43209
To donate by phone, please call the Columbus Jewish Foundation 614-338-2365
For more information please call Devorah Lipkind Weprin (917)596-8562
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